All Denach actions are based on the objectives of the Denach Association Statute.
Objective V.
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
1st Denach Strong Women Event - 2022
Speaker: Cynthia Cordeiro
(Secretary of Social Assistance of Cabedelo, PB)
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
2st Denach Strong Women Event - 2023
Speaker: Cynthia Cordeiro (Secretary of Social Assistance of Cabedelo, PB - Brazil)
Speaker: Camila Mariz Ribeiro (2st Lady of the State of Paraíba - Brazil)
Speaker: Camila Holanda Lucena ( Secretary of Womens of Cabedelo, PB - Brazil)
Speaker: Daniella Ronconi (1st Lady City of Cabedelo, PB - Brazil)
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Association denach - denach
CNPJ: 47.643.126/0001-48
Rua General Jose Araken Rodrigues 86, Cabedelo/PB - BRASIL